Now a wholly owned GSTX company
USTF has adopted a new strategy to accelerate business development, with an initial focus on electro-magnetic (EMI) shielding and heating applications with short-term revenue potential.
Conductive Thin Film Manufacturing
Now a wholly owned GSTX company
USTF has adopted a new strategy to accelerate business development, with an initial focus on electro-magnetic (EMI) shielding and heating applications with short-term revenue potential.
Nanotechnologies that Outperform
US Thin Film Corporation has exclusive rights to a family of patents for Transparent Conductive Thin Films used in EMI shielding, anti-ice/defogging and transparent antennas. Its nanotechnologies outperform traditional materials in the sector, offering greater conductivity and transparency.
Our transparent thin film offers 10 times the electrical conductivity of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) and other traditional materials.
Setting a New Standard for Quality
US Thin Film’s unique method uses silver and other high-quality metal particles to form a conductive pattern, allowing for cost-effective transparent conductive thin film with outstanding conductivity, transparency and versatility in applications.
New U.S.-based contract manufacturer for sample production & variants.
Identifying new market applications and new partners / customers.
New novel 3D application technique identified.
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